Leading with Love

“In our work culture, and society in general, the image or metaphor of the heart is often associated with yielding, kindness — or perhaps weakness. Yet, the heart is also strong and powerful, as well as the driving force of life.

Susan Steinbrecher

When we lead with love, our actions and decisions are guided from a place of deep human connection. We lead from a place of good intent and purity of purpose.

Leading with love is not soft, nor is it fluffy. It can be as strong as titanium, yet come from a place of wanting the very best for the other person. It raises others to become a better version of themselves.

As a past Principal, I have had to make some very tough decisions, but when I did so from a place of aroha with the mantra “What’s in the best interests of the students?”, everything flowed. Alternatively, when I found myself trying to please everyone, or I looked at problems with a scarcity mindset, or I found-fault, things became tricky.

When we lead from a place of love, we make conscious choices as to how we show-up each and every moment. It is through conscious choice that we can transform not only ourselves, but those around us and our entire work culture. The diagram below shows the shift we are able to make in our leadership through conscious choice.

As you go forward this week, consider

What would love do?

Need a speaker?

There are plenty of speakers to choose from. I am not the norm. You won’t be bored to tears by the same ole’ approach and dribble. How about bringing Mary-Anne for the conference or all-staff day.

Give me a stage and I’ll own it. Give me a room and I’ll energise it. Give me your people and I’ll inform and inspire them. 

Need virtual delivery – no sweat! I have facilitated virtual full and half-day workshops, virtual keynote speaking at online conferences, and might I say, you still get the Mary-Anne goodness you deserve!

More details here


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