Performing under pressure

In his book “Perform Under Pressure”, Dr Ceri Evans speaks of how we can change the way we feel, think and act under pressure.

Richie McCaw has written the forward and speaks of how his Dr Evan’s coaching methods influenced his play and thinking in successive Rugby World Cup competitions. He states,

"When the pressure is on, we all know it affects the way we behave. Anyone can feel under pressure from many different factors: dealing with stress, conflict at work, managing relationships"

McCaw was at physical peak performance. His work with Dr Evans supported the development of his mental peak performance.

It is similar to our roles as leaders in the workplace. How are we training ourselves to deal with pressure? Furthermore…

When under pressure do we Give-Up or do we Rise-Up?

The diagram below is my thinking around how this shows-up for leaders in the workplace.

Physically do we go into our primitive brain, or do we act and move-forward?
Emotionally do we turn our emotions on ourselves through negative thoughts, or get reactive? Or do we embrace vulnerability, own it and respond in a proactive manner?
Within our mindset do we become fixed and serious, or do we lean-into flexibility and curiosity?
Energetically are we scattered and depleted, or do we become focused and intentional?
Spatially do we settle into comfort and minimal effort, or feel threatened, rather than being courageous and setting clear boundaries?

Have a ponder on this. How do you show-up under pressure? Are there areas you would like to adjust?

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There are plenty of speakers to choose from. I am not the norm. You won’t be bored to tears by the same ole’ approach and dribble. How about bringing Mary-Anne for the conference or all-staff day.

Give me a stage and I’ll own it. Give me a room and I’ll energise it. Give me your people and I’ll inform and inspire them. 

Need virtual delivery – no sweat! I have facilitated virtual full and half-day workshops, virtual keynote speaking at online conferences, and might I say, you still get the Mary-Anne goodness you deserve!

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