There’s a misconception out there.
A simplification.
An assumption…
That “emotional intelligence” is about understanding and managing our emotions. And that’s where it ends.
Sure, understanding our emotions, their impact on our behaviour and on those around us is central. Without this awareness, we can be like a bull in a china shop, creating chaos in our own and other’s worlds.
But it is oh so much more than that!
Developing our Emotional intelligence (yes it can be developed) can:
- Support teams to collaborate effectively.
- Build personal and collective empathy and relational skills.
- Support people to find their voice and use it with straightforwardness and care.
- Grow self-confidence.
- Support mental calm and centeredness.
- Develop grit and resilience.
- Help people to turn the lemons in their life into lemonade.
- Support people to find balance in their lives.
You see, developing your emotional intelligence is really about developing the deeply human parts of you. It’s about growing from the inside-out. Holding the mirror up to yourself first, and acknowledging your strengths, then leaning into those areas for development.
I’m passionate about this mahi, because I have both experienced and witnessed its effect myself.
Teams of people go from dysfunctional to dynamic.
Individuals shift from giving-up to becoming a go-getter.
People gripped by anxiety, getting into action.
Finger-pointers towards others, to become mirror-holders for self.
Imbalanced workaholics becoming realigned and centered.
Nervous communicators stepping from stage-fright to centre-stage.
People blowing their tops, breathing air into relationships.
Those silenced finding their voice with conviction.
You see, this is THE work. What used to be called ‘soft-skills’, are now THE skills for our uncertain world.
My friends, this can’t wait.
If you are a principal wanting to develop “He Poutama: Unshakeable” youth and a strong school community embedded in your localised curriculum, then let’s chat about how MoE funded PLD might support this.
If you are a business or organisational leader and want to explore how you can raise the emotional and social skills of your staff, then let’s talk.
Getting certified is important because then you understand deeply the science and psychology underpinning emotional intelligence. You are able to speak and deliver from a platform qualified to do so. Check-out the emotional intelligence coach training coming up in September.