“Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in a few words”.
Recently while waiting for a car service I wandered into a shop and came across a book that caught my attention and prompted the question:
“If you chose to write one line that reflected your day today, what would you write?”
Another way of documenting and reflecting upon your day is through things such as the 365 Project, where you take a photo a day. What would your photo of today be?
Alternatively, a sketch a day is another way of documenting your experience.
How else could you capture your day succinctly?
The art of this is to be both present and reflective. To notice things in our day, and consider it a little more deeply than a fleeting thought.
What if this was also something children did to create mindfulness and reflection? How might that look?
If you had to write or capture your day, what would you say?